How to see the icons available in Obsidian
Posted on June 13, 2024 - by Andy Cinquin
ObsidianLucidPluginsIconsTutorialMethodStep by stepUse
Currently, Obsidian supports Lucide, but not the latest official version. According to one of the developers at Obsidian, "we are always a few months behind." After searching for an up-to-date list of usable icons, here is a method to see all the plugins and those that work.
How to View Available Icons in Obsidian (callout / ribbonIcon)
- Create an empty folder and name it
. - Install Lucide with the command:
npm i lucide-static
- Navigate to the directory
node_modules -> lucide-static -> icons
. - Create a file named "liste.bat" with the following content:
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
REM Output file names
set OUTPUT_FILE_SIMPLE=liste_fichiers_svg.txt
set OUTPUT_FILE_SPECIAL=liste_fichiers_svg_special.txt
REM Delete output files if they already exist
REM Add header to the special file
echo ^> [!info]- Icons > %OUTPUT_FILE_SPECIAL%
echo ^> [!info]- Icons > %OUTPUT_FILE_SPECIAL_PLUS%
REM Loop through all SVG files in the current directory
for %%f in (*.svg) do (
echo %%f >> %OUTPUT_FILE_SIMPLE%
REM Remove the .svg extension for the special file
set "filename=%%~nf"
echo ^> - !filename! >> %OUTPUT_FILE_SPECIAL%
echo ^> - !filename! >> %OUTPUT_FILE_SPECIAL_PLUS%
REM Add additional content to the special plus file
echo ^^^```dataviewjs
echo const icons = dv.current() ^> l.text^);
echo await dv.table(
echo ^^^[^^^"Icon^^^", ^^^"Name^^^"],
echo ^> ^[^^^"^^^", l^^^]^)
echo ^);
echo dv.container.querySelectorAll("tbody tr").forEach((tr, index) ^> ^{
echo ^^^const td = tr.querySelector("td");
echo ^^^obsidian.setIcon(td, icons[index], 100);
echo ^^^}^);
echo ^^^```
echo The list of SVG files has been saved in %OUTPUT_FILE_SIMPLE%, %OUTPUT_FILE_SPECIAL%, and %OUTPUT_FILE_SPECIAL_PLUS%.
- Save and execute this file.
This will create three files: "liste_fichiers_svg.txt", "liste_fichiers_svg_special.txt", and "".
The files "liste_fichiers_svg.txt" and "liste_fichiers_svg_special.txt" are there in case you need them. We will retrieve the file "" and put it in an Obsidian vault.
Here is what it should look like. You will then be able to see all the available icons directly!
Thank you for reading. I am planning to create a small Obsidian plugin to see the available icons directly and have a way to search for the icons you want with a search bar, etc., but for now, I'll leave it aside! 😄
I'll let you know on my website if I do it! 😃
Thank you for your visit, feel free to contact me for
any information, quote or collaboration proposal. I will
be happy to answer you as soon as possible.
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