Logo Cinquin Andy Signature

CGU - Legal notice

Développeur Freelance - Logo

Who are we?

My website address is: https://andy-cinquin.com


This entire site is protected by copyright in accordance with Articles L335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code. Any total or partial reproduction or representation of its content, images, texts, sounds, by any process, without the prior authorization of 'Cinquin Andy' is strictly forbidden. Any violation will constitute a sanction and will be prosecuted.
Cinquin Andy
SIRET : 880 505 276 00019
72 avenue Camus
44000 Nantes
Tel : 06 21 58 26 84


Creation :

Custom theme creation, branding, SEO, and hosting of everything, 'turnkey' service.
Cinquin Andy
SIRET : 880 505 276 00019
72 avenue Camus
44000 Nantes, France
Tel : 06 21 58 26 84

Hosting :

Company details
Contabo GmbH
Aschauer Straße 32a
81549 Munich
Authorized executives: Thomas Noglik & Thomas Schimmel
Register court: AG München
Register number: HRB 180722
VAT-ID: DE267602842
IBAN: DE86 7002 0270 0661 9337 71
Bank name: Hypo-Vereinsbank
Bank address:
Bayerische Hypo- und Vereinsbank AG
Lindwurmstrasse 83-85
80337 Munich


An idea, a project? I'm here to answer your questions and help you.
I'd be delighted to discuss your project with you!