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Technical Stacks

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Technical Stacks

Posted on July 31, 2023 -  by Andy Cinquin

Technical stacks for web developmentModern design with TailwindCSSFront-End frameworks and NextJSUsing TailwindUI and HeadlessUIModern UI component librariesWordpress alternatives for web developmentAPI generation with Hasura and StrapiContainerization with DockerCI/CD integration and deployment with GitHubUnit and E2E testing with Jest and CypressAutomatic updates with Renovate BotDevelopment tools and softwareCustomizable CMS and content managementServers and VPS deploymentOrganization and productivity with Obsidian


In this article, I'm going to introduce you to the various technical stacks I use and am particularly fond of for each area of expertise, all the tools used, and their utilities.

Front - Pure Front

~ TailwindCSS - (Library -CSS3-)
~ NextJS - Front-End Framework
~ TailwindUI - (Library of pre-made components)
~ HeadlessUI - (Library of pre-made components)
~ Sailboat UI - Modern UI component library for Tailwind CSS](https://sailboatui.com/) - (Library of pre-made components)
~ Other component libraries: Xtend UI - Gallery - By Type Themes
Free Modern React Templates & Components Treact available in /3. Resources/Tech/treact-ui.zip
Hover animation: Snippets

Front - Wordpress Alternative

~ TailwindCSS - (CSS3 Library)
~ WordPress - (CMS, I use it for the nice admin side for quick client-side modifications)
~ Bedrock - (Boilerplate that changes the entire internal operation of WordPress)
~ ACF - (Form creation plugin in the admin page to link admin entries & code)

Backend - API

~ Hasura - (API Generator, GraphQL)
~ PocketBase - (Backend in 3 clicks - Go)
~ Strapi - (Backend in 3 clicks - JavaScript)


~ Docker - (all applications are containerized)
~ Github CI CD - (for the build of the app on Docker & sending to CapRover)
~ VPS Contabo - (Debian installation on a VPS)
~ Cap Rover - (PaaS - VPS Prod - PaaS & Others)

Test Stack

~ Jest - (Unit testing)
~ Cypress - (E2E testing & user behavior simulation)
~ Percy - (E2E testing - Non-regression test)
~ Sorry-Cypress - (Test parallelization)
~ Renovate Bot - (Automatic update)

Tools & Software Used

IntelliJ IDEA - (IDE)
Git Kraken - (more pleasant git to use)
Syncthing - (file sync, custom drive)
Obsidian - (organization & second brain)

Thank you for your visit, feel free to contact me for any information, quote or collaboration proposal. I will be happy to answer you as soon as possible.
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