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Use your favorite LLMs without blocking

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Use your favorite LLMs without blocking

Posted on  - November 17, 2024 by Andy Cinquin


Have you ever dreamed of no longer being restricted in using your favorite LLMs? ChatGPT with its 3 messages per day? And Claude with its single message per day? And Gemini, which is just as free but completely lacking in the quality of its responses?
I present to you a very cool GitHub repo:
The idea is to have the same kind of UI as ChatGPT, etc., but to use your API keys to pay per request. To give you an idea, I used it very intensively for an entire week for ForVoyez, where we used it to conduct tests on the SaaS. I paid a little less than $2 for the week, using it A LOT, almost all day for 5 days, with no blocks and great responses.
How does it work?
You download it and deploy it in your local environment (Coolify / CapRover / custom, or whatever).
You configure your API keys inside, with the mandatory environment variables "ANTHROPIC_API_KEY" which you can get here:
Anthropic Console
And "OPENAI_API_KEY," which you can get here:
OpenAI Platform
And finally "CODE," which will define your access code.
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You put it on a subdomain, and there you go!
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You have your own ChatGPT, just click on "Click here."
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You fill in your key, and voilàààà:
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In our configurations, we can then find everything we might need, and we can change models at will according to our needs.
We can also configure masks, which are pre-filled conversations that provide quite a bit of context!

🚀 Thanks for reading!
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