Logo Cinquin Andy Signature


Développeur Freelance - Logo

The project in image

Project summary

Stock management and tracking project 📦

This is a large project developed by several people during the second-year internship at EPSI. We created a business application for stock management and tracking, developed in React JS for the front-end, and Python Flask for the back-end.
The application offers a simple and efficient view of the different equipment of each team and person in the company. It provides information on the positioning and use of each object and piece of equipment at all times. 🔍

The technologies used

icon-3dReactJS Icon
icon-3dTailwindCSS Icon
icon-3dPython Icon
icon-3dJavascript Icon
icon-3dPgSQL icon
icon-3dNodeJS Icon
icon-3dPython Flask Icon

The sites and the associated resources.


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