Logo Cinquin Andy Signature


Développeur Freelance - Logo

The project in image

Project summary

Festix! 🎉

Basically a course project, which I had a lot of fun with and which took up a lot of my time, but above all, which taught me a lot of mobile development skills! 📱
The subject was as follows: Conceptualize a complete mobile application to allow administrators to add festivals, events and artists on the one hand (while taking into account the security and connection management aspect). 🎭
And on the other side, a visitor part, which must be able to access information about each Festival, each artist, and each program of each festival! 🎤
To meet this need, and to learn new technologies, I developed two api (twice the same, but with two different technologies), One in JAVA with Spring and one in JavaScript with Sequelize, 🖥️
Then the application was developed in Flutter, after working on the conceptualization of the application, and the creation of the mock-up! 🎨
( if you're curious, on GitHub there are even videos presenting the application ) 📹

The technologies used

icon-3dFlyway Icon
icon-3dHibernate Icon
icon-3dSpringBoot Icon
icon-3dApache icon
icon-3dMaven Icon
icon-3dNodeJS Icon
icon-3dExpress JS Icon
icon-3dSequelize Icon
icon-3dPgSQL icon
icon-3dJava Icon
icon-3dJavascript Icon

The sites and the associated resources.


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