Logo Cinquin Andy Signature

Les YD Rangées

Développeur Freelance - Logo

The project in image

Project summary

Website redesign for "Les YD Rangées" 🛠️

The company "Les YD Rangées" contacted me to redesign their websites formerly done with WIX. 🌐
So I carried out a bespoke service, going through an in-depth study of the current market for SEO, the creation of a mock-up, a new logo, a new graphic charter. 🎨
From website prototyping and validation to development of the dynamic version of the website, everything is configurable and modifiable, with an e-mail contact service. 📧
[ the design / logo creation / maquetting part was done in collaboration with a student, Pauline Gouvernet ] 🤝
And all this optimized to the maximum so as not to exceed 900kb on each page and 0% loading of useless resources! 🚀
In the end I end up with a 99/100 Landing page on 🎉 lighthouse 🎉, a page weighing in at just 1.2MB, and loading going under 0.55s, great SEO, and all of it, completely manageable. 💯

The technologies used

icon-3dPHP Icon
icon-3dMariaDB Icon
icon-3dWordpress Icon
icon-3dTailwindCSS Icon
icon-3dJavascript Icon

The sites and the associated resources.


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