Logo Cinquin Andy Signature


Développeur Freelance - Logo

The project in image

Project summary

My achievements over the years 💡🚀

Over the last few years, I've carried out a multitude of projects touching on different technologies. This allows me to best meet your needs and adapt to all kinds of situations. Here is a non-exhaustive list of these projects:
  • Native Java mobile development project.
  • VueJS development project: Demineur.
  • Symfony development project: WebApp.
  • Development project for v1 of my portfolio site.
  • Development project for v2 of my portfolio site.
  • Development project for v1 of Maeva Cinquin's website.
  • Development project for v1 of Julie Sommaro's website.
  • Development of several VM installation/configuration scripts with basic services (Apache/Maria/SSH/Firewall).
  • Development of a mini-game in C.
  • C++ mini-game development project.
  • Git + Azure configuration project, project management.
  • PHP Symfony development project, web application.
  • API development project in Java, Python and JS.
  • Unit testing development project.
  • Active Directory configuration and installation project.
  • Project to explain SEO/SEA for tutorials.
  • Projects to explain graphic elements and best practices in terms of application design.
And many more...

The technologies used

icon-3d.net icon
icon-3dCSS3 Icon
icon-3dHTML5 Icon
icon-3dReactJS Icon
icon-3dWordpress Icon
icon-3dMariaDB Icon
icon-3dThree JS Icon
icon-3dPHP Icon
icon-3dPython Flask Icon
icon-3dAngular Icon
icon-3dSQL Lite Icon
icon-3dDjango Icon
icon-3dTailwindCSS Icon
icon-3dJavascript Icon
icon-3dPython Icon
icon-3dSequelize Icon
icon-3dPgSQL icon
icon-3dExpress JS Icon
icon-3dNodeJS Icon
icon-3dSpringBoot Icon
icon-3dApache icon
icon-3dHibernate Icon
icon-3dJava Icon
icon-3dFlyway Icon
icon-3dSyncthing Icon
icon-3dSymfony Icon
icon-3dVueJS Icon
icon-3dMaven Icon
icon-3dDebian Icon
icon-3dAfter Effect Icon
icon-3dCaprover Icon
icon-3dDocker Icon
icon-3dIllustration icon
icon-3dPhotoshop Icon
icon-3dPremiere Pro Icon
icon-3dSvelte Icon
icon-3dNextJS icon
icon-3dAdobe XD Icon

The sites and the associated resources.


An idea, a project? I'm here to answer your questions and help you.
I'd be delighted to discuss your project with you!