Logo Cinquin Andy Signature

Package npm - Script export repo to LLM

Développeur Freelance - Logo

The project in image

Project summary

Here's another of my projects. I've created a script that exports an entire code base, excluding the list of excluded files present in the .gitignore and other exclusion files.
The library I've developed has been developed in both Python and JavaScript to enable the use of a Python command and an NPM package to execute a command that will export the code base into a text file.
The aim is then to be able to give this same text file to an LLM (Large Language Model) so that it can understand the entire project and not hallucinate over the use of functions.
After installing the library, you can then use the following commands:
export-repo /path/to/project -o /path/to/output/output.txt -e /path/to/exclusion/patterns.txt
python export-repository-to-file.py /path/to/project -o /path/to/output/output.txt -e /path/to/exclusion/patterns.txt
This will give us a text file that can be used to quickly copy and paste a code base, without any headaches!
It's a simple little script that saves me a lot of time on code reviews and very simple things. (Contextual issues aside, at the moment, sending an entire repository to an LLM is something of a hassle for LLMs 😖)
And that's it!
Computer screen with a text editor open to a file named <code>output.txt</code> showing project structure code and Dockerfile configuration with folder navigation panel on the left.

The technologies used

icon-3dPython Icon
icon-3dJavascript Icon
icon-3dLogo npm

The sites and the associated resources.


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