Logo Cinquin Andy Signature


Développeur Freelance - Logo

The project in image

Project summary

Django Python Project - A Pokedex Reinvented 🐍💡

My first project in Python, a language I hadn't had a chance to learn yet.
The aim of the project
The project was to make a slightly revisited sort of Pokedex, using an existing public API to retrieve and process all the data.
Design inspiration and mock-up
The mock-up was based on the design of Google's interactive shopping platforms, with other inspirations coming from various sources. The aim was to create an attractive and intuitive user interface for exploring the Pokémon universe.
A learning project
Ultimately, this school project served as a sandbox for our team. It enabled us to learn and put into practice our skills in Python and Django, as well as in the use of APIs and data processing.

The technologies used

The sites and the associated resources.


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