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How to export the contents of your code repository for use with LLMs

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How to export the contents of your code repository for use with LLMs

Posted on  - April 11, 2024 by Andy Cinquin

Code exportLLMIntegration with LLMNPM packageRepo to LLM

How to export the contents of your code repository for use with LLMs


Do you have a repository that you want to export to an LLM so you can get full answers and fewer hallucinations from your favorite LLM? In this article, we'll look at how to correctly use the library I've created to solve this problem.

Step 1: Installation

The easiest way is to install the npm package globally with :
npm install -g export-repository-to-file
You can then use the export-repo command in your terminal.

Step 2: Configure exclusions (optional)

By default, the library uses the .gitignore file at the root of your repository to determine which files and folders to ignore. You can also create an .exclusionListConfig file to list export-specific exclusions, such as configuration files, dependencies and so on.
(Often, we'll need to look in the large_files_output.txt file to see which large files we could add to the exclusion list).

Step 3: Launch export

In your terminal, navigate to your repository folder and run the command :
export-repo ./ -o myExport.txt -l largeFile.txt
This will generate the file myExport.txt with the textual content of your code, excluding what is listed in .gitignore and .exclusionListConfig.
Useful options :
  • -p to specify a preamble file to include at the beginning
  • -l to list files exceeding 250 lines or 2500 characters in a separate file
  • -e to give a file listing additional exclusions

Step 4: Using the generated file

You can now copy and paste the contents of myExport.txt when talking to ChatGPT or another LLM to give it the context of your code base.
And that's it! Now all you have to do is use it in your favorite LLM!

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