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Multimedia resource management in Obsidian

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Multimedia resource management in Obsidian

Posted on June 16, 2024 -  by Andy Cinquin

ObsidianMultimedia resourcesObsidian pluginImage managementFile processingEffective notesResource organizationMultimedia tips

In this article, we will see how I proceed in my Obsidian plugin to retrieve and process files and images. This approach allows for efficient management of multimedia resources associated with your notes.

Retrieving the Image Folder Path

First, we need to get the path of the folder containing the images. We assume that the images are stored in a subfolder named "image" located in the same folder as the current article.
const articleFolderPath = file.parent?.path;
const imageFolderPath = `${articleFolderPath}/image`;
Here, articleFolderPath represents the path of the folder containing the current article, and imageFolderPath is the path of the "image" subfolder where we assume the images are stored.

Checking the Existence of the Image Folder

Before attempting to retrieve the image files, we need to check if the "image" folder actually exists.
const folder = app.vault.getAbstractFileByPath(imageFolderPath);
if (folder instanceof TFolder) {
  // The image folder exists
} else {
  // The image folder does not exist
We use app.vault.getAbstractFileByPath(imageFolderPath) to get an abstract reference to the folder path. Then, we check if this reference is an instance of TFolder, which would confirm the existence of the folder.

Retrieving Image Files in the Folder

If the "image" folder exists, we can retrieve the image files it contains.
const files = folder.children.filter(
  (file) =>
    file instanceof TFile &&
We filter the folder's children to keep only the files (TFile) with extensions corresponding to common image formats (jpg, jpeg, png, gif, bmp, webp).

Retrieving the Image File Path

Finally, if there are image files present in the folder, we can get the path of the first file found.
if (files.length > 0) {
  const file = files[0];
  const imagePath = file.path;
  // Process the image file here
This part of the code checks if the list of image files is not empty. If it is not, we retrieve the path (path) of the first image file found for further processing.

Thus, this is how I proceed to retrieve and process files and images in an Obsidian plugin. If you have any questions or need more details, feel free to ask!

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